nedeľa 12. septembra 2010


You can see,that what I like/ love...Pleas write coments :) Thanks...
sorry for grammatiel errors.

I love...

Sports, Net, friends, family...and other :) is in the picture :)

And how are you? :D

and...What do you like?

sobota 11. septembra 2010


Hi! How are you? For me, it could be better :D To day I played a badminton in the tournament... and it´s in little problem.... and now is good... :D :D :D my hand hurts... OW! :D :D realy! I know what is this matter :D :D and yesterday I will go to the school ... OH MY GOT! Beats me! and.... hmmm... I am puzzled :D I dont no, that what I want :D :D :D OH! I am cow .. Ok, that BYE! :D
Sorry for grammatical errors...

Picture from.

He was once an inscription, which could not be called full title ...

Hello! I am a normal or sometimes I not normal :D :D is not inporten...and I love a....:D :D I don´t now :D :D I am now not normal...Ok no problem... I would like to welcome you in my new website...My name is in the menu, so it´s not problem :) so age is not significant so I would be released later...Thank´s :D